SEND Support Staff in your School

We have a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) staff who are committed to providing a service that is based on the needs of each child they work with.

We provide SEND staff who can support on either a full or part time basis. Our trained SEND staff are hand-picked especially for your school. We ensure they have the experience and skills required for building trusting relationships to support and enable each child.

At The Southover Partnership we have an in-depth recruitment process that allows us to match the child and your school skills and expertise of our staff. Our trained SEND staff have many skills and attributes accrued through working with children who have a wide range of needs. Key areas include Autism, challenging behaviour, speech, language and communication needs.

In order to achieve this we:

Take time to meet with every school.

Carry out observations.

Focus on learning through devised strategies.

Ensure progress of the child is monitored.

Support both the school and staff.

Work with the school to support the child’s needs.

Meet all staff recruitment costs so you don’t have to.

Invest time to work with you and offer training to staff.

How are we different from other agencies who offer Special Educational Needs staff in North London?

  • Support based on attachment theory
  • Full range of personalised training in SEND
  • Specialist and trained SEN staff to place in schools
  • Free consultation, observations, guidance and strategies
  • 50 years of collective experience in schools
  • Hourly rate – pay for what you get!
  • Highly experienced managerial staff
  • Training across the school
  • Expertise in behaviour, language and SEND
  • Dedicated staff, handpicked for positions
  • Reward schemes for loyalty
  • Reduced cost training
  • Personalised approach

The above details what makes us stand out from agencies, who offer Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) staff, we can offer you a full support package!

We maintain the highest professional standards at all times. Every member of our team goes through a rigorous interview process. Al have the necessary legal and professional documentation including DBS and safeguarding.


We offer training on a variety of SEND topics, developed by our experienced team of teachers and tailored to your needs.

Before we start, we meet with you to discuss the needs of your school, and agree what training is most appropriate. Whether you want whole-school training focussing on the requirements of the School Improvement Plan, to improve the capacity of your mealtime supervisors to manage behaviour, or need up-to-date training in new policy areas, we can help. The topics we most often provide training on are below – but if you need help in an area that isn’t listed get in touch and we can chat about your requirements.

Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) training

A valuable and fascinating insight into the difficulties that learners with ASC face when navigating their way through school life. From ‘understanding a child on the Autistic Spectrum’ to ‘effective strategies to supporting social understanding’ we encompass a wide range of ASC topics.

Circle time training

This is a method of building confidence and classroom skills in children of all ages. It is suitable for both primary and secondary groups and is especially useful for children in Year 6 about to transition to a new school, as well as for Year 7 teachers to support their new cohort of students.

Behaviour management training

Encompassing a range of behaviour management strategies for all staff across the school to use when working with children who have challenging behaviour.


We look at how you can recognise the possible signs of dyslexia and provide practical classroom ideas to support learners with dyslexia.

Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution empowers staff, giving them an insight into the impact language and acknowledging emotions have on resolving conflicts effectively.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

We provide holistic training for teachers and teaching assistants to support children with English as an additional language. Topics include: understanding the needs of EAL learners, planning, resourcing and supporting children with EAL, initial assessments of learners, tracking progress, provision mapping to support underachievement and whole school induction for new pupils.

Effective support of language learners in the classroom

The cohort of schools is growing and a number of learners are at various stages of acquiring language skills. We can deliver a range of training aimed at supporting the teaching and learning of English.

Effective deployment of teaching assistants

For SENCos and team leaders who are managing teaching assistants. It draws from the Institute of Education research that shows how teaching assistants can be most effective in improving pupil’s learning. Participants will learn how to audit provision as a starting point to revising deployment policy and practice. Principles of effective collaboration between teachers and teaching assistants will also be covered.

Mealtime Supervisor Training

For staff who may be covering play/break times and covers managing behaviour, using positive language, de-escalation practices, peaceful problem solving and defusing situations and restorative approaches to challenging behaviour.

Safeguarding training

A practical level-one course aimed at all staff in school. The session covers good safeguarding practice in all aspects of school life, addressing our feelings about abuse, definitions of child abuse, identifying signs and symptoms of abuse and action to be taken where a child’s safety is at risk.

Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) training

Our course enables people working with children with SLCN to identify the child’s strengths and needs and gain the tools to support a child’s development. We cover the ages and stages of typical language development; how to identify of areas of need; the impact of SLCN on literacy, numeracy, learning, social and emotional development; differentiation, learning strategies and resources to support children; how to work with parents and carers; and evidence based interventions. We can tailor the course for three separate age ranges: Early Years, Primary or Secondary.

More information and booking

To find out more about our training sessions, or to book, please contact the office t: 020 8446 0300 e: