• My child is now engaging more with others, learning and making so much progress. At times he may regress but I know they are there for him, ready to meet his needs and treat him with the care and respect he never received in secondary mainstream education. A massive thank you to all. (Parent from Hutton Grove) 2023

  • ‘The school has a great record of personalising their education to best suit the needs of the individual.’ (Staff 2023)

  • ‘I am able to be myself and have been given a chance to grow as a teacher as well as things I feel passionate about. It also is a flexible job which gives me enough time outside of school to be able to live a well-balanced life.’ (Staff 2023)

  • ‘I’m happy to be part of a team that looks to improve the lives of our students and provide them with the best opportunities for the future.’ (Staff 2023)

  • ‘ I am proud to work with some of the best colleagues and I believe our students have developed well since attending Southover.’ (Staff 2023)

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  • The Southover Partnership offers part-time (Outreach) and full-time placements for pupils aged 8-19 with Education and Health Care(EHC) plans. Pupils have social, emotional or mental health as their primary needs, and most are also on the autistic spectrum and have other needs. Pupils come from diverse settings; many have a history of disrupted and /or limited education. 


  • Southover’s curriculum supports the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; and we are fully inclusive embracing Part 6 of the Equality Act 2010.


  • Southover takes into account the ages, aptitudes and needs of all our pupils; we offer a programme of activities which is appropriate to their needs, and that all pupils have the opportunity to learn and make progress.
  • Despite the greater specialisation normal amongst pupils at Key Stage 5, Southover offers an element of enrichment available for pupils which goes beyond specific subjects being learnt.


  • The Southover curriculum content is designed so that all pupils at the school can make progress, with an appropriate level of While pupils of exceptional ability are enabled to make progress, the needs of these pupils are always appropriately taken into account.

Curriculum intents and rationale:

Intent statementsRationale
We intend to…Introduce the concept of education through a bespoke curriculum (ready to learn / reconnecting with learning) based on the attachment theory (add footnote with reference)becauseSouthover pupils often have attachment difficulties, a history of disrupted or limited education.
Offer a broad and balanced curriculum with a range of subject qualification pathways Southover pupils deserve to choose the subjects they enjoy learning regardless of their ability.
Effectively prepare pupils for the life in British society including opportunities, responsibilities, and experiencesSouthover pupils can benefit from additional exposure to prepare them for society
Ensure all pupils leave Southover with a proficiency in the subjects they study to their best of abilityskills and knowledge are both transferrable to everyday life and working environments.

Implementation and approach to learning

Small school model

Pupils often access learning:

  • with support from their primary attachments (An individual key staff, A selected group of key staff members or All staff on-site)
  • with a strong staff ratio in a small class – general lessons range from two staff members with one pupil, to two / three staff members with three / four pupils, based on the nature of the lessons and the needs of the pupils.
  • Relationship building with different attachments

Bespoke curriculum

While we have our well-sequenced curriculum pathways and schemes of work in place. It is common that contextual lessons and ‘out-of-cycle’ learning take place to explore the hidden curriculum, as Southover proactively plans to differentiate based on the needs and interests of the pupils.

  • Besides meeting the 7 areas of learning outlined in the Independence School Standards through my curriculum, Southover also offer a range of vocational (Appendix 1) qualifications across the subjects, and have established partnerships with external providers. While some vocational subjects offered have a subject link (i.e. DT, Music, etc), the rest are overseen by our Vocational Lead.


Not all pupils are always in a ‘ready to learn’ state, and therefore, a range of ‘reconnecting with learning’ interventions are offered at Southover:

Curriculum adaptions:

  • Contextual adaptations are put in place to support pupils to reconnect with learning. Lessons may be adapted to focus more project-based work (internal or ASDAN), group work, off-site work or other relevant adaptations.

Reading Interventions:

  • In order to improve access to the curriculum, reading interventions are offered to those who find reading difficult and cannot access the differentiated curriculum. Such interventions may include guided reading and phonics delivery, specialized phonics and reading programs.

Academic booster interventions:

  • Where it is identified that pupils are not making expected progress in certain subjects due to their academic ability (wider knowledge gap and misconceptions) and subject specific / cross-subject specific barriers, academic booster interventions are offered.

Pastoral interventions:

  • Where the barriers to learning are not strictly academic related, but caused by other factors, pastoral interventions are offered to pupils. This includes but not limited to: Emotional Literacy Support Assistance (ELSA), In-house mentoring programme and Hybrid learning style. Southover also adopts a Zones of Regulation and emotion coaching approach, as we celebrate emotions and believe that we need to connect before we correct.

Three-tiered therapeutic interventions:

  • The Southover Clinical offer includes Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Counselling (PSHE+) and Clinical Psychology. We adopt a three-tiered model, as we deliver our therapeutic interventions with a universal approach, targeted approach and specialist approach.
    • Universal approach: Follow the therapy team’s observations and assessments, staff teams are trained on implementing different sets of strategies that can be applied to specific pupils.
    • Targeted approach: When pupils’ therapeutic needs cannot just be met through a universal approach, targeted interventions delivered by Higher Level Teaching Assistants (Intervention Leaders), or other skilled teaching staff, in a group or 1:1 setting.
    • Specialist approach: Some pupils’ needs are met through specialist interventions delivered directly from the therapists.

EHC orientated delivery

  • Our small school model allows us to thoroughly understand the needs of our pupils. In addition to the high level of understanding, Southover staff also meet pupils’ EHC needs by embedding different implementation approaches through adapting their teaching based on pupils’ EHC needs.

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC)

  • Southover ensure that all pupils can function properly as adult citizens. Since pupils will inevitably have some contact with wider society, Southover equip our pupils for that contact, which includes engagement with public institutions, society and its wide range of members, at both national and local level.

  • Southover believes that learning does not just take place in the classroom. Therefore, a range of events and workshops in relation to: Understanding the world through our Reading for Pleasure Scheme, cultures and diversity, religions, work and careers-related, exams, Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE), Relationship and Sex Education (RSE), are in place for our pupils for cross curricular and personal development learning purposes.

*Pupils’ engagement and interest in political issues are encouraged, and The Southover Partnership do not prohibit conversation about these issues, provided the political issues are age-appropriate. Teachers and staff support pupils’ understanding of political issues discussed and the different views held while avoiding endorsing any partisan or particular political viewpoints put forward.


Impact statements

In accordance with our curriculum Intents and Implementation, our pupils will be:

  • Aware of their learning styles and needs, and acquire further life skills
  • Able to form meaningful attachments in life through the attachment model.
  • Achieving their personal best in their chosen subjects and interest areas and in their life post-Southover.
  • Able to understand different viewpoints respectively.
  • Able to elicit their voice, including likes and dislikes, and therefore make informed decisions in life.